You've forgot one file out of your last commit, didn't ya?

2015-09-20 Nerd Software sergio
And now you’ve got 2 commits that were supposed to be one. Fear not! Add this to your Alias section of ~/.gitconfig: squash = "!f(){ git reset --soft HEAD~${1} && git commit --edit -m\"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})\"; };f" Now you can simply do a git squash 2 to join these last 2 commits together.

homestead 2.0 nfs mounts

2015-02-17 Nerd Software sergio
So you are using homestead, all fancy with it, to discover later that its slow, really slow. After some googling around you discover that you can use NFS instead, and a few solutions involve changing homestead code. Not true. You only need to add a “type: nfs” in your mount point config in Homestead.yaml: <pre> folders: - map: ~/src to: /home/vagrant/src type: nfs </pre> <p>


2012-01-31 Software sergio
We’ve resuscitated an old, slow and crappy (640×220 (!!!) in 16:9 9″) digital photo frame these days and my wife selected a bunch of photos from various trips we made to put it there, 654 images. My old experience with that frame was warning me that 10M photos was a NONO, so I searched for a batch resize and crop utility. The batch resize is really easy to find, but not the crop part, so I’ve wrote my little utility for that, with python and PIL. Continue reading

streaming de áudio ao vivo

2010-10-25 Nerd Software sergio
Faz vários anos que a IPI Maanaim realiza uma maratona de leitura bíblica, e como a vários anos fazemos, esse ano também vamos transmitir a maratona ao vivo via internet pelo site da igreja, e o assunto do post é a infra-estrutura de transmissão. A alguns anos que usamos shoutcast no servidor e darkice/darksnow. Esse ano eu atualizei o shoutcast para a última versão estável, 1.9.8. Além disso abandonamos a dupla darkice & darksnow e estou pendente entre 2 soluções: butt ou Nicecast. Continue reading

python 2.6 e concatenação de strings

2010-10-23 Nerd Software sergio
Nerdeando no Python Brasil [6], alguém comentou que concatenação de strings é um caso que foi otimizado, e resolvemos testar. Não é que foi otimizado, mesmo? <br /><br /> s = ''<br /> for a in range(1000000):<br /> s += 'a'</p> <p><br /> s = ''<br /> lista = []<br /> for a in range(1000000):<br /> lista.append('a')<br /> s = ''.join(lista)<br /> <br /> python -V<br /> Python 2. Continue reading
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